Many people likes the animals and here uin the university i believe that always likes more than one. the some one likes the dogs ,the cats, the cows, the horse , the pigs or simply the exotics animals.
In my opinion all the animals are cute but i loved two of the list.
in first place i like the dogs , who does not like the dogs?. they are frendly, funny with so much personality and also a good pet.
The dogs are to a good animal,this not need many requeriments, with the yard o sometimes in the home ( in the case of little pets), some water, food and love there are the best choice for a family.
I have many animals , but the first are my dogs, SACHA,a afgana, female of 10 yeras old,she is very shy, quiet and frendly. my other dog is BECKER he is a blond labrador ,male of 10 years. he is so special, is funny, playful and the pampered house.

Also i like the horse and also i have one of this, he is a present by my parents for my in my birthday, i loved, recently i know him, in the first meet he was so quiet but after he show you true self. he is a horse of 6 years, is a male alazan with a spot in your face.
i never ride him but i hope to do soon. he have a trainer for to learn somethings that he dont know .
maybe the next month he are ready for my and i enjoy every moment with him.

Also i have a goat,the name is CHARLY , he live in the south in my house, he get very small, he doesn eat , only take some milk by bottle, an my whole family loved it. charly now have 1 year and grow up very much in the last time.

In conclusion i love the animals and i believe that i can not decide for one of there, everyone have something special and make it unique.

see in class!



The capital of chile , santiago is a huge and beautyfull city ,have many diferent places for enjoy , but i believe that chile isn´t only santiago , our country have many sites ,we have a long piece of land with many towns and own landscapes did do chile a country so diverse.but about of SANTIAGO, we have many option , for example if i like to read, i would go to THE NATIONAL LIBRARY, if i like see some theater or the art the best choice would be CULTURAL CENTER MATUCANA 100, or visit some museum ,here we have PRE COLUMBIAN MUSEUM ART, THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, THE FINE ART, THE MIM (interactive museum lookout), THE ARTEQUIN and some else( never before, i checked the museums of santiago. I said a lot but are some more.)

Also are place for fun,at the outdoors to would be go to METROPOLITAN PARK, is a great visit because in the same place has the pool for enjoy in teh sunny days, has a cable car ( a funny experiencen for all the family) the trip on the vegetation of SAN CRISTOBAL hill and the beautyfull view of santiago, walks and some sport activities. even more in the park has the NATIONAL ZOO , everything in the same place.

And finally, but isn´t mean less important, LA MONEDA the goverment palace , are in the midtown and here is where the executive power is concentrated in the country.near of this you found it the PLAZA DE ARMAS , the mos important square in de midtown around of that you can see the CATHEDRAL.
I hope that every place will be you visit , you enjoy and always remember SANTIAGO of Chile.



Well , anybody said that the death penalty is a easy topic. in many counties this conviction is a greatest punishment, but en many others is a practice is not allowed.Today this topic is not a problem for the society, the people only wait that others to involving in this topic ,and they released and leave the decision in hands the others. this subject of this kind is important the diferent opinions and the take decision with the best arguments to take the best choice. In my opinion the death penalty is a punishment a little strong , ok is well ,everybody is wrong, but is necesary the death? i believe that we have many diferent punishment ,maybe more exemplary than the death penalty.also , who I am for take the option to finish to the life of the other person? although he did the worse action. On the one hand, if you try to put on the situation of the accused`s family this punishment is not only for him, is also a strong hit of her family and the people closest you are punishing indirectly to many people and not the culprit. And the other hand, is necesary of the law take strong decision , no only for punish also for show the power they he have , and be respected. if the punishment was softer, nobody would respect the law. In conclusion I believe that the extrems aren`t good ,alway be found a midpoint, and this will be the best choice. see you soon! VALE

ESPAÑA a Fabulous country!

Everybody dream with a fabulous trip around the world , isn`t? but i think that is better go out to the place that you most like! such as España in my opinion. For my this country is so special , i have many thing for think that is a great place.
The main reason is the relationship with a foreing man in this country, my dear granfather, Rafel Sancho. he arrived to Chile when he is 22 years old, everything was diferent but this wasn`t a problem for him. Know there is a link between this country and i is something fun, i try to read about your culture and i feel a special conection.
Also i like so much the languaje ,is so perfect the pronunciation ,the accent ,i love it. Maybe this languaje isn`t so perfect ,have many expression. this point y so important for all activities do you like to do in the country that you are, for example if you found the job or if you looking the place for visit is so easy if you know the languaje.
if i travel some day to España i would like to do many things like eat a lot of ham, paella, sea food and other kinds of foods. Also i would take some classes of flamenco, and try to learn all that i can of you culture.
really i hope that this isn not a dream and to come be true!!!

bye! :D