martes, 13 de abril de 2010 10:12 Publicado por vale

sometimes the people talk about transantiago if he dont know the reason of our implementation . the main reason was the pollution, decrease the traffic and the buses in the city. really this wasnt posible, we have many buses in the streets maybe the same number at before, the pollution still here and the traffics in the city is some better. The new sistems is more confortable if we use the correct form , the news streets are bigger than before and this are exclusive for the public trasport.the buses are bigger than others and everyone can leave some more people but dont be say that allow people get on! some advantages of public transport are cheaper,easier and more relaxing, because you can do tah many things in the bus for example you can read a book , the newspaper ,listen to music or only sleep! i belive that last option isn t safe but many people do that!
well this is mi opinion abouot the famous transantiago maybe is very positive but all culd be better! :D
see you in class!

3 Response to "THE FAMOUS TRANSANTIAGO!!!!!!"

  1. Victoria Says:


    I used the same picture in my blog! It´s so funny. I think too that the good part of the new system is that the buses are more bigger than before. I like your positive opinion about Transantiago. Maybe people would think in this way to not be stressed all the time.

    Have a good day =)
    See you.

  2. Evelyn Says:

    I think you don´t use this new system a lot, because maybe the people that have to use all days and have problems whit the waiting doesn't like this implementation and they criticism is based on their bad experiece.

    See you tomorrow!!! Byee

  3. Natalia =) Says:

    was very close to use the same picture of you! is very funny.
    I think that while the buses "enchuladas" do not change, the pollution remains a problem unsolved.

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