lunes, 10 de mayo de 2010 19:17 Publicado por vale

Well , anybody said that the death penalty is a easy topic. in many counties this conviction is a greatest punishment, but en many others is a practice is not allowed.Today this topic is not a problem for the society, the people only wait that others to involving in this topic ,and they released and leave the decision in hands the others. this subject of this kind is important the diferent opinions and the take decision with the best arguments to take the best choice. In my opinion the death penalty is a punishment a little strong , ok is well ,everybody is wrong, but is necesary the death? i believe that we have many diferent punishment ,maybe more exemplary than the death penalty.also , who I am for take the option to finish to the life of the other person? although he did the worse action. On the one hand, if you try to put on the situation of the accused`s family this punishment is not only for him, is also a strong hit of her family and the people closest you are punishing indirectly to many people and not the culprit. And the other hand, is necesary of the law take strong decision , no only for punish also for show the power they he have , and be respected. if the punishment was softer, nobody would respect the law. In conclusion I believe that the extrems aren`t good ,alway be found a midpoint, and this will be the best choice. see you soon! VALE


  1. Miss Says:

    Well , ? anybody said that the death penalty is a easy topic. in many counties this conviction is a greatest punishment, but en many others is a practice is not allowed.Today this topic is not a problem for the society, the people only wait that others toWF involving in this topic ,and they released and leave the decision in hands the others. this subject of this kind is important the diferent opinions and the take decision with the best arguments to take the best choice. In my opinion the death penalty is a punishment a little strong , ok is well ,everybody is wrong, but is necesary the death? i believe that we have many SPdiferent WF punishment ,maybe more exemplary than the death penalty.also , who I am for take the option to finish to the life of the other person? although he did the worse action. On the one hand, if you try to put on the situation of the accused`s family this punishment is not only for him, is also a strong hit of her family and the people closest you are punishing indirectly to many people and not the culprit. WW And the other hand, is necesary of the law take strong decision , no only for punish also for show the power they he have , and be respected. if the punishment was softer, nobody would respect the law. In conclusion I believe that the extrems aren`t good ,alway be found a midpoint, and this will be the best choice. see you soon! VALE

    well done. I think you would need more support in you argument ok?

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